Things we share in common

African mythology

In most African mythologies, there is a supreme Being who creates and governs the whole of the Universe. These deities…

4 ans ago

African fabrics

FASO DAN FANI (Burkina Faso) It is a woven loincloth which, since Captain Thomas Sankara came to power in the…

4 ans ago

How to say hello in an african dialect?

Africa has the largest linguistic diversity in the world with nearly 2000 local languages. Check out some phrases to say…

4 ans ago

Alcohol made in Africa

We don't often talk about them and yet African countries have produced alcohol for centuries. Traditionally, Africa has always produced…

4 ans ago

Wedding customs in Africa

There are customs which cross the centuries. The dowry is still often essential. Paid by the fiancé, it makes it…

4 ans ago

African traditional wedding attire

Bologan among bambaras (Mali) Bogolanfani is one of the best known African fabrics in the world, particularly prized by the…

4 ans ago

Traditional musical instruments in Africa

Many traditional musical instruments exist in Africa, we will cite some of the most common in our article. Percussion instruments:…

4 ans ago

Waist beads and hip ornaments in Africa

In western countries, seduction is expressed in lingerie. In Africa, it materializes in the form of beads. Called Baya among…

4 ans ago

Ski resorts in Africa

We don't necessarily know, but it is possible to ski on the African continent. Here are the 5 stations in…

4 ans ago

Cassava leaves in the kitchen in Africa

Cassava is a staple food for a large proportion of Africans. Its roots are eaten as well as its leaves.…

5 ans ago