Mr. Jules Minsob LOGOU always assisted his mother during the cooking of foufou, a dish widely consumed in his family but whose preparation is a sporting event. This dish is very popular, but it is important to emphasize the difficulty of obtaining it which is done by pounding tubers (yam, cassava, tarot, etc.) in a mortar with a wooden pestle.
This very arduous but frequently repeated task ended up being a subject of constant reflection for the young inventor.
In 1997, at the age of 22, he invented the FOUFOUMIX, a machine looking like a mixer robot, which can transform pieces of yam in a few minutes into a foufou with an almost perfect texture.
He introduced the concept “Piler du Foufou ici à 200 F” which consists of installing in a corner, a machine for women in the neighborhood who can have their yam processed for a sum of 200 F.
The Togolese Entrepreneur has five patented inventions including the « PAT-MIX » dough making machine; the LOGOUTRAC Low-cost mini tractor; a mobile incineration toilet for environments without a septic tank; a grain mill which makes it possible to obtain flour without iron filing and a pole chair which makes it easier for technicians who work on electric poles.
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