In most African mythologies, there is a supreme Being who creates and governs the whole of the Universe. These deities have different names :
She is named Amma among the Dogon of Mali, Juok among the Chillouk (Shilluk) of Sudan. In Togo, Benin and Ghana, the Fon people consider Mawu-Lisa, a divine couple formed by the Moon and the Sun and representing by their duality the balance of the Universe, as the supreme Divinity. Mawu represents the feminine principle, her figure is associated with cold, night and fertility. Lisa is the masculine principle embodying strength. The couple created the Earth with the help of Dan, the cosmic serpent, and fathered the fourteen deities of the pantheon. For the Yoruba, people of Benin and Nigeria, the major divinity is Olorun, or Olodumaré, god of the Sky which reigns on 400 Orisha (secondary divinities) and on the spirits of nature. Among the Bamileke, it is named Si. In Burundi and Rwanda it bears the name of Imana; for the Fulani it is called Gueno; for the Sérères of Senegal, Roog Sène; for Douala, Nyambe; for Malinké and Bambara, Mangala; for the Maasai, Ngai. A similar deity also exists in the beliefs of other African peoples such as those of Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. In Mozambique, the Supreme Being is known as Muluku.
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